Title: Letter to a nisei man from a friend, (denshopd-i153-00042)
Densho ID: denshopd-i153-00042

15216 [illegible]
Van Nuys Calif.

Dear Joe,

Received your letter a few days ago and was sorry to learn you haven't been feeling normal, it makes us happy to know you found the trouble and are beginning to fell better after the pill treatment. We are all O.K. Nancy has recovered from her accident and is back in school.

Bill has received his 1-A classification so I suppose he will be called in soon for his physical exam. He has one very bad eye in fact he is almost blind in that eye, when he was in for his blood test he told the doctor about his eye, the doctor said you can aim a gun can't you? We have had some swell weather for a week but it is raining again, but we shouldn't complain about Calif. weather in Chicago and we know just what you mean for when we lived in Ohio we had the same disagreeable climate.

[Page 2]

Thanks for the information regarding your mother, we had never heard her name. We have sent both letters in to headquarters and we certainly hope that Towru and your mother get to do the thing they desire. We were butterless out here to but of course we had a cow so it did not effect us, we have had plenty of meat also as our locker at the ice Co. was filled before there was any talk of rationing, we are trying to observe all rules and not use it up sooner than we should.

We were glad to know you are attending church, and a beautiful church it must be from your description. We hope you will give as much time as possible to church and the things of God for we know unless we take Jesus as or constant companion with us in our work or play we can't hope to succeed. With God all things are possible. I will close wishing for you the very best possible.

Your Friend,

Le. M Boulton

P.S. are sending check. Mr. Affoulter is getting better.