Title: Letter to a nisei man from his brother, (denshopd-i153-00039)
Densho ID: denshopd-i153-00039

Manzanar, Calif.

March 26, 1943.

Dear Joseph,

Received the soldering iron and solder today. Thanks! You know what, I had to pass a army inspection to get the solder. I guess they were kind of curious at the size and weight of it. The iron's pretty good, but the solder was the wrong kind. Do you remember in one of my letters, I said if you get any solder at all, don't get anything but rosin core. Acid core is lousy for radio work because the acid corodes. (or how you spell it.) So what I did was to sell it to Roy Izumi and ordered to Sears and got some rosin core, so everythings OK now. I've got everything now so I'm all set for business. I have about three offers

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comming up. I'm doing this on the side. I'm working now under Mr. Kado as a rock-masoner and like my job very much. We go all over the place out of camp and building a guardhouse that is similar to Manzanar's. Also planting trees and doing a little lanscape work. Hard work, but its sure building me up physically. By the way, because we work at the Army camp, the captain in turn does us a favor, and we can buy priority goods at the camp. (Food) So if you feel like chewing gum or eating a piece of candy bar, let me know. I can also get Cokes and ice-cream which the people in camp can't get.

The latest I have heard about the draft, is that the volunteers will be leaving the first of April. They are getting their

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physicals pretty soon. Guess what, Henai, Take, Iijama and Ko Yamada all volunteered. So I won't be seeing them guys pretty soon. The camp isn't much like it used to be. So many guys are relocating that you don't see the regular energetic fellows. Mostly all High-School kids. I saw Floyd Fujii today and he asked me to send his regards to you. Also, Miss Ely mentioned this and I think you'd be getting a letter from her soon. I am enclosing a copy of the Katakana and the Hiragana. I'll send some more stuff on it later. I am also including another copy of the free press and will continue to do so in every letter You mentioned quite a while back the possibility of evacuating this camp, but it dosen't seem

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like it now. The camp has quieted and settled down now and the people haven't got that moving feeling any more.

Well, the family is all quite well and I believe Papa sent you a letter. You know, Papa's letters sure are touching, aren't they? He was reading his letter to me and as he read, I pictured you reading it. He asked me if there were any errors in it and I told him it was OK because I didn't want to change his style of writing. Well Joe, its getting pretty late now and "Moscow" wants to sleep so I'll sign off. So until next time I'll be signing off. Keep in the best of health and don't let the gremlins get you.


Towru Nagano