Title: Postcard to a nisei man from his sister, (denshopd-i153-00166)
Densho ID: denshopd-i153-00166


Dear Joe,

(No envelopes anywhere, so am writing on cards)

Here I am again with nothing to say. This morning as I was alone doing my practicing of typing here came the mailman. I ran to the door and opened your letters. Boy, it really had me excited. The pictures came and then I read the letter as I looked at the pictures. The Minister and Wesley look okay, but that porch sure looks like a dump place. Paul looks like a very smart & nice boy as they are doing something in the street.

You & Winslow look very cool in T-shirts. Some haircut you picked up. I think Joe L. looks very tuff but he must be good because I never can tell what a person looks like by the appearance. (John 7:24 - bible). Joe, why do they wear those T-shirts with some sort of thing on it? Joe, out of the batch of boys you live with I like Winslow & Paul the best. Paul reminds me of Tatsuo Miyake. I took a look at your shirt & it looks quite wrinkled. Although you look nice in front of the mirror, Clair, Iku & the other girls from Seattle look nicer. I don't care for that guy, Kenny. George looks very happy but doesn't look dark as you said in your letter. The town district is nice but where you live, it looks junky. They are really nice pictures and thank you very much for sending them. Also, the letter with the drill points came & thanks to you for finding them and hope you're okay.

Yours, Masako

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