Title: Letter to a nisei man from his sister, (denshopd-i153-00133)
Densho ID: denshopd-i153-00133

Manzanar R.C.
Manzanar, Calif.

June 3, 1945

Hello Joe,

Thank you for all of the letters. Its a good thing you never forget to drop a few lines each week. School is out! Boy, am I glad! I can imagine still struggling away in those classes. I think I got around a "B" in the Shorthand test but all of the rest of the tests, I don't know what I got. I'm really worried about History. That's the only subject I really fear. Boy, I sure did worry a lot before I had my final exams. Besides that, I prayed like the dickens, too! History test was so hard that even the brains felt like they had flunked. We had so many words and so forths that weren't even given to us while we were having our class reviews for the tests. It was all guess work for me. I sure am worried about my report card. I hope I don't get any bad grades! After I get my report card I won't worry about anything! I find that praying helps quite a bit. Boy, tomorrow is really going to be awful!

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I say that because we get our report cards!

How is that eviction stuff coming along? Gosh, I sure am hoping that no trouble comes along! Now that school is out and I haven't a single thing to do, life is really boring! I'm only thinking of getting back to good old W.L.A.! I went to apply for a job as a clerk typist but I find that there's no place open for me. I'm doing nothing but chores. I get up everyday and go through the same old boring routine! Since there's nothing to do, I sit and knit but that is no good. It gets your back all humped up and your really sore by the time you quit. I'm re-knitting my maroon pullover sweater to a cardigan. That's the open front style with buttons!

Please let us know about the eviction! I'm really looking forward to getting out of this place. Please tell us what's going on. I hope the O.P.A. has answered you by this time. Have the Boultons and the Affoulters answered you???

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Last week we had a real good show for the first time in months. It was an old picture but it was something worth seeing! It was "Souls at Sea" with Gary Cooper, George Reff, Frances Dee, and Virginia Wielder. A lot of people cried in it. I never cry though! But inside I feel awful when it's sad. Tonight, they are having a show put on special. One of the Catholic fathers, I think its Father Leavery, got a hold of a good show. Yes, it's "Going My Way." I sure am glad that we are going to be able to see this show. It may reform some of the children in this camp. Next week we expect to see "Our Hearts Were Young & Gay." That's a late picture. We never get to see good shows. All trash kind. I sure would like to see that "Show" "Home In Indiana." I'll see it as soon as I get out

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of this Manzanar Center.

By the way, did you get my annual I sent you? It's a pretty good annual even though it's small and like a pamphlet. I guess you think I'm pretty fat in the picture! Well, I think you better look twice because I'm fatter than that now. I'm trying to reduce and stay out of the sun before I go back to W.L.A. I lost 7 lbs. since February I used to weigh 125 lbs. Now it's 118. But I know one girl that is 5'5" tall and weighs 165 lbs. so I guess I'm not fat if I put her into consideration. When you come back on a furlough, you really will be surprised to see how much I've grown side ways.

I suppose your still on the skinny side. I guess no matter what you eat doesn't make you fat because the army always keeps you on the run. I guess I better exercise and not loaf so much, huh!!!

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Joe, you know what? Last month at the very beginning, something awful happened to me. I was playing baseball at school and I got a big splinter in my right index finger. Boy, I couldn't write or do anything! It was real big! I was going to catch a ball that was about 1/2 ft. from the barrack. I caught the barrack with the ball. The next thing I knew was that I was in the nurse's room. The nurse really did a lot of awful things. She practically murdered me and still only got a little bit of it out. I lost fight with her. Saturday, I went to the hospital and told the doctor what happened. He was taking it out with the tweezers but it didn't do much good. Boy, it was painful. The splinter was about a 1/4 inch deep. It was big, too. The doc. thought it was out but I could still see it so I told him

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there was a lot left. He opened the cupboard and got out a hypodermic. Man, I was scared. He gave my finger 2 shots and then my finger had no feeling. He took out a pair of scissors and cut my finger. Then the splinter finally came out. After that I went to the hospital for checkups. After my finger got well I was really glad. I couldn't do anything for about 3 weeks. It's a funny thing but there's no scar left on my finger. Boy, I was scared of getting blood poison. Same thing with mom too. Everybody told me their sliver stories after I told them mine. Joe, that's another reason why I didn't write much. I don't know how you'd feel but I certainly wasn't in any mood to do anything! Well, I guess that's enough about my finger!!!

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The Odaharas are back in L.A. They wrote to some people but not us. The Mexican family that was living in their place didn't move out. So the Odaharas went back anyway. They only have half of the house. They say its terrible because the Mexicans nearly fumigate you out. They stink! The Mexicans had gotten into the barn that Odahara-san had their things kept in. Our washing machine was an item or should I say a thing, which was missing from the barn. But since the WRA went to investigate, the washing machine has returned. Boy, I'm glad. I suppose the Odaharas are glad, too, for it was their responsibility to know our washing machine was in the barn. Well, I know they aren't glad that they have returned because living

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with Mexicans is really awful.

Ichien-san is pretty happy. They write to us that Venice was okay. They said that their place was in real nice condition when they returned. Here's hoping ours is, too!

I wrote to you on that post card about sending your things to us. Can't you tell us what you have decided. The baggage won't be of any bother to us. I'm positive of that. Soon, we'll ship all of the things so tell us about it okay?


P.S. Sure am curious to know when OPA has sent the Affoulters the eviction notice.

P.S. Here's hoping I get to W.L.A.

So Long

P.S. Don't get promoted -- I mean Mom says not to be anything but a P.V.T.