Title: Letter to two nisei brothers from their sister, (denshopd-i153-00119)
Densho ID: denshopd-i153-00119

Manzanar, Calif.

Sept. 5, 1944

Dear Joe & Tor,

It sure was good to hear from you. Yes, I wait for the mail everyday. When nothing comes, I sure think a lot more about letters. Gosh, I've been trying to be real nice to you guys by writing post cards to you practically every day. Gee, I'm sure proud of myself for writing to you a lot. If you enjoy getting post cards practically every day, please drop some off to me too! I bet you can't do what I do!

Gosh, you guys & your bed bugs! I bet poor Akira is going nuts out there! I bet he thinks that you guys sure picked a crummy joint! Talking about bites, we sure do get a lot of bites from those gnats and mosquitos. Just in 1 second you have around three bites in the same spot! Boy, are they ichy!

I bet that wiener or hamburger bake was a lot of fun! How I wish I could be there with you!

Gee! Imagine you baking a pie that actually tasted good! Wow jus! And a pear pie at that! Man! I never heard of a pear pie! What a baker!

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Gee, George Ichien actually coming back! Wow! Wee! I'm sure glad that he'll be bringing your camera back! Gee, I wonder if I or I mean mom, pop, & I could use a whole role of film! Gee, I wish you would have sent at least 2 roles! Well, just one picture is enough! What more do I want anyway! Well, I can hardly hang on! Boy am I excited! This should of happened before!

Talking about weather, we are having cooler weather, too. This morning the breeze is blowing & it makes everything much cooler than it used to be!

The Aoki's gave us a real funny kind of a melon yesterday & we ate it last night! It was sure queer looking! It looked just like a squash! When we ate it, it had a cantaloupe flavor but not much juice. Man! You should have seen the thing!

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I think Jimmy Ito went out yesterday! I don't know if Hiroko went with him!

I saw Momo yesterday and she said she will be going back to her state again, tomorrow. Gosh, I bet she's happy.

Now that they say they are going to have the Japanese people return to the coast, I don't even care or think of relocation! Gosh, all of us kids were talking about our future L.A. & what we are going to do. Gosh, every body thinks of eats and nice furniture the first thing. I can't believe that we're really going to be able to go back to L.A. next year!

Oh yes! I want to tell you guys about mom. She's really been faithful to you boys! Every night mom is praying while pop & I just go to sleep. She tells us that every time she dreams of a snake, you guys

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are okay! Tor, when you were taking the physical, mom had several dreams of snakes and you turned out to be okay! Now, that Joe was to take a physical, mom had another snake dream! Gee, I hope you guys are doing okay!

Gee, school is starting pretty soon & it sure seems like I'm going to have to study very hard! I hope I can get good grades because mom said I will be able to get my music if I do!

Nothing new has happened, so I guess this is all. Please try & drop a card off to me as often as you can!



P.S. Hey, Tor, I'm still waiting for you to drop a line! Hey jerkous, did your read that!!!!!!