Title: Letter to two nisei brothers from their sister, (denshopd-i153-00114)
Densho ID: denshopd-i153-00114


Dear Jerks!

Writing to you at this time because mom & pop are sending you (Joe) twenty five dollars for a congratulations on your graduation. We all noticed that your top jacket of the suit is getting pretty small and so with the twenty five dollars, it would be adviseable to buy a sport coat, for it will come in handy. Now be sure to buy one!

Towru, we are wondering why you don't write. I bet your troubles are just girls, huh!

Well, this is just to notify you about the money and say hello to you.

So long,


Towru! You punkhead, the zipper is 21" and is a size for a jacket opened at the bottom.

Don't forget! Jerk!