Title: Rocky Shimpo, Vol. 11, No. 151, 12/18/1944, (denshopd-i148-00084)
Densho ID: denshopd-i148-00084

Rocky Shimpo
Vol. 11, No. 151
December 18, 1944

Conference on Minorities Urged by JACL

Marriage Licenses Issued

On the Other Hand

'They Do Not Go Far Enough'

Portable Radios

Investigation of Land Titles Urged

Stimson Scores Act of Hood River Legion

Want Ads Today

'Grave Error of Policy,' Says Group

Army Will Permit Approved Evacuees to Return to the Pacific Coast

Bill of Rights in 47 States?

Coach Pete Ida Given Praise by Commentator

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section