Title: Rocky Shimpo, Vol. 11, No. 139, 11/20/1944, (denshopd-i148-00073)
Densho ID: denshopd-i148-00073

Rocky Shimpo
Vol. 11, No. 139
November 20, 1944

Commission Set to Eliminate Work Prejudices

39 Called Up at Idaho Camp

On the Other Hand

First Buddhist Service Held at Army Post

Bussei Prepare for Session on Theme: 'Buddhism in Post-War U.S.'

As Many as 5000 May Repatriate

Kaihatsu Winner by Default in Boxing

Protest Return, Evacuee Farmer

Estimate 2,000,000

University Students' View Being Polled

Want Ads Today

West Coast Condition Likely to be Faced by Returning Evacuees Told

They're Not Eskimos! No!

Once in Lifetime

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Japanese Language Section