Title: Rocky Shimpo, Vol. 11, No. 138, 11/17/1944, (denshopd-i148-00072)
Densho ID: denshopd-i148-00072

Rocky Shimpo
Vol. 11, No. 138
November 17, 1944

Project Gets Instructions on Sending Youths to Outside Schools

On the Other Hand

Say Crippled Soldier Ejected

Soldier's Wedding at Hattiesburg, Miss.

McWilliams Speaker Before Chicago Niseis

One Hundred Sixty-One More Niseis Ordered to Report to Army Camps

200 Resettled in Indiana Area

Thanksgiving Message Feature of Sermon

Want Ads Today

Deny Institute Policy Has Been Pro-Japan

Two Boys Apprehended at Camden City Hall

Controversy Over Court Jurisdiction

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section