Title: Rocky Shimpo, Vol. 11, No. 106, 9/4/1944, (denshopd-i148-00041)
Densho ID: denshopd-i148-00041

Rocky Shimpo
Vol. 11, No.106
September 4, 1944

Deny Tie-up With Japanese

On the Other Hand

Quota Met With 'Under 26' Men

Block Sale of Realty Properties in City

Hawaiians Thank Minnesota Governor

Due Process of Procedure

U.S. Reciprocal Exchange Urged

$133,000 Expended on Council Scholarships

This is Way Army Certificate of Exemption Issued to Two Reads

Frost Threat Said to be Abating in Denver

Want Ads

Washington Post Editorial Asks Whether Army Has Greater Faith in Leadership of Men Than Navy

Virgil Payne

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section