Title: Rocky Shimpo, Vol. 12, No. 110, 9/14/1945, (denshopd-i148-00197)
Densho ID: denshopd-i148-00197

Rocky Shimpo
Vol. 12, No. 110
September 14, 1945

Vets Present for Gift to Truman

On the Other Hand

Niseis in Japan Called 'Cute,' Uninfluential

'Ordained Stars' Topic for Sermon This Sunday

Order to Deport Certain Aliens

Sergeant Gosho Guest of League at Denver in N.Y.

Seek to Extradite 'Tokyo Rose' on Treason Charge

10 Families Get Housing

Nippon Liberals 'Have Christian Background'

Agriculture Department Official Will be Speaker

Aloha Hawaiians Benefit Movie Show to be Given

Smile When You Say That About Us: Can It be So?

Nisei Interpreter Was With Occupation 'Force'

Business Opportunity

Court Considers Free Speech Case

Want Ads Today

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Japanese Language Section