Title: Rocky Shimpo, Vol. 12, No. 76, 6/25/1945, (denshopd-i148-00165)
Densho ID: denshopd-i148-00165

Rocky Shimpo
Vol. 12, No. 76
June 25, 1945

Human Ideal Can't be Forced

Eight for Individual Rights is Objective

On the Other Hand

Marriage Licenses

But That is Life

San Diegan Sympathetic

Navy Psychiatrist Observed Evacuee Behaviour at Poston Relocation Camp

Milton Eisenhower is Sought for New Post

300 Attend Open House at Kansas City Hostel

Describe Caravan

Watermelon Wool Dress

Grand Jury Indicts Ex-Government Official

Souvenir from Fighter Received by Sister

Birth Reported

Funeral Notices

2 Poston, 1 Gila Units Close Oct. 1

Want Ads Today

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