Title: Rocky Shimpo, Vol. 12, No. 50, 4/26/1945, (denshopd-i148-00139)
Densho ID: denshopd-i148-00139

Rocky Shimpo
Vol. 12, No. 50
April 26, 1945

Bill to Curb Issei Fisheries

$200,000,000 Property

On the Other Hand

Coloradoans Donate to Citizens League

Gets Field Fellowship

Say Sanseis to be More Assimilable

Housing Problem for Resettlers

Want Ads Today

Honor and Justice, Basis for Nations' Relations

Shift Supervisor

Girl Witness Changes, Sets Back Prosecution of Doi Arson Case

Investigate Burning of Madera Tool Shed

Fantastic, Immoral, Says Hawaii Pastor

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