Title: Rocky Shimpo, Vol. 12, No. 36, 3/23/1945, (denshopd-i148-00125)
Densho ID: denshopd-i148-00125

Rocky Shimpo
Vol. 12, No. 36
March 23, 1945

San Jose Hostel Prepare to Open

Ickes Explains Policy

Deportation Unlikely for Issei Indigents

Say 4000 Repatriates

Expatriation List Growing

Resettlement Urged by Utah's Jurist

Arrest 2 on Charge of Misrepresentation

Introduce Bill on Segregation

Want Ads Today

Report Government Has Turned Down Suggestions Made by W.R.A. Evacuees

Posthumous Honor

Recover $12,000 Buried on Pearl Harbor Night

Rev. Sakamoto Will be Ordained This Sunday

V.-P. Truman Hits Intolerance

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