Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. III No. 9, 8/1/1942, (denshopd-i145-00070)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00070

Poston Chronicle
Vol. III No. 9
August 1, 1942

Poston's Canal System Near Completion

Waiver of Fishing Licenses for Evacuees Refused

3000 Evacuees Expected Starting Monday

Sales of War Bonds

[Page 2]

Riverside vs. Blockheads

League Standing

Fashion Show

The Poston Christian Church. Mass Service

Bride Leaves for Minnesota

Death Notice

Midget Service

[Page 3]

Camp 2

Crawford Asks Cooperation

Block 221 to Have Service Club

Banking and Credit Unions

Milk Supply to Be Increased

[Page 4]

Buddhist Church Services Sunday

Y.B.A. to Be Organized

Lost and Found

Nursery School

Salinas Downs Lindsay Ten, 16-2

Fishing, Swimming Hole Is Popular. A. Fujiki Lands 18 Inch Bass

Oh! Where Is My Doggy?

Block 216 Has Four Prisoners