Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XXIII No. 28, 7/21/1945, (denshopd-i145-00656)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00656

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XXIII No. 28
July 21, 1945

Discrimination Against Japanese Americans is Called Unjustified

To Poston Residents

Camp II Teen Agers' Recreation Center Opens

Group Being Formed to Promote Tolerance

Mills Defines Term 'Special Cases' in Memo to Chairman

Special Car Leaves Wednesday for San Jose

[Page 2]

Second of Series: Rationing Explained


Rex Lee Says Coastal Conditions are O.K.


Unit III Has Highest Relocation Figure

Fire Precautions Asked

[Page 3]

Sport-ing Along

Textile Dates Changed

'House Across the Bay' Pic

Camp II Teen Agers Center Opens Tuesday (Cont.)

Final Standing

First Aid to be Taught

YBA Notes

'Special Cases' Defined (Cont.)


[Page 4]

Asahi Shoe Store Owner in Los Angeles Now

Back With Cliftons

Wisconsin Hospitals Still Accept Cadets

Presbyterian Hostel Opens in Monterey

Pittsburgh Hostel Support Assured

Farmer Settles in Arkansas Area

[Page 5]

Poston II


In Appreciation


Council Chairman Mukai Replaced by Yokoyama

Last Rites Conducted for Pvt. Kongo Nitta

Buddhist Service for Tomorrow

To and From

214'ers Trounce Tri-Stars by 13-8

Dick Tsuchiyama Set Back 214'ers by 9 to 6

[Page 6]

Poston III

Dust 'n' Desert

325 Mess Hall to Close on July 25

Those Who Have Gone to a Brighter Future

Kametaro Ishijima Passes Away

Christian Church News

Let's Attend Church

Special Movie This Saturday

[Page 7]

Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section