Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XXIII No. 25, 7/11/1945, (denshopd-i145-00653)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00653

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XXIII No. 25
July 11, 1945

Tri-Unit Sumo Tournament Holds Spotlight Tonight

Wright, Famed Author, Calls for Federal Activity with Japanese

Block 35 Boy Dies After 15 Minutes Under Water

Pfc. Henry Shibata of Blk. 42 Awarded Bronze Star at Novi Ceremonies. With the Fifth Army, Italy

Camp III Warehouse Burns to Ground Early Saturday

[Page 2]

'The Governing of Men,' by Former Bureau of Sociological Research Head, Reported by Time

Population Computation for Units of Poston as of June 23, 30 Told

Officer from Washington Relocation Office Here

30-50 Workers for Farm, Being Sought

Notary Hours Told

[Page 3]

Pfc. Henry Shibata Awarded Bronze Star in Italy (Cont.)

No, The People Would Not Bite, She Learned

Issei and Nisei Still Barred from the Waterfronts

Boy Dies After Fifteen Minutes Under Water (Cont.)

'H' is Valid



[Page 4]

'The Governing of Men' Written Up by Time (Cont.)

Special Officer on Relocation Visits Here


College Bound Club Reaches Goal of $2000; 4 Scholarships Pending

Former Postonian Acts as Assistant Camp Head

Rev. Nakata Gives Initial Talk to Y.P.

Girls Go to Summer Camps; Four Return

Midgets & Supermidgets Deadline for New Softball League Sign-Up July 21, 1945

[Page 5]

Poston III

Library Hours Change Effective Monday

'Her Lucky Night' Scheduled July 14-15

Chujiro Akiyama Passes Away

Brownie Troop Needs Leader

Those Who Have Gone to a Brighter Future

Fourth of July Game. Firemen Wins Again

Employment Office Job Offers

Japanese Movie Slated for July 17

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Poston II


'Laura' on the Menu for Tonight's Movie

In Appreciation

To and From...

Northside Wallops Tri-Stars, 20-12

215-214 Juniors Cop First Play-Off Game

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section