Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XXIII No. 19, 6/20/1945, (denshopd-i145-00647)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00647

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XXIII No. 19
June 20, 1945

Drama Depicting Poston Life to be Presented Friday. Hollywood Star Will Act in Presentation

One More Day Allowed for Picking Up Grant

House Appropriations Committee Recommends $25,000,000 for WRA

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Appropriations Group Asks $2,500,000 for WRA (Cont.)

New Movies Schedule Announced by 'C. A.'


Health Services in Center to be Limited

Note of Appreciation

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Scholarship Offered

Play Portraying Poston Life Being Given Friday (Cont.)

Traffic and Safety Regulations of the Project Reiterated by Project Director Duncan Mills

Patten to Counsel

Girls' League Standing

Students May Claim

[Page 4]

Returnee in Poston for a While Reports that Farm Owners Might Return as Attitude is O.K.


Winner of Bronze Star and German Prisoner Visits Family in Unit

1945 Softball Sked



'E' Good

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Poston III

Dust 'n' Desert

Boys and Girls Softball Team Invades Phoenix



Agnes Corrigan Leaves for Minnesota

New Block Heads Named in 316 and 325

Junior Red Cross Donates to Hospital

College Bound Club Assists Students

Those Who Have Gone to a Brighter Future

[Page 6]

Poston II

Myer will Inspect WRA Office in S. Calif.

'Tampico' to be Shown Tonight at Pool Stage

Library News

To and From...


220 Mustang Juniors Upsets 221-222 Juniors

216-208 Juniors Dumps 229 Panthers by 5-2

229 Panthers Take 226 Zero Babes by 8-3

Second Half Junior League Standings

New Canteen Hours

Gila Giving Out Pins

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section