Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XXII No. 25, 3/28/1945, (denshopd-i145-00623)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00623

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XXII No. 25
March 28, 1945

Two Violent Deaths in Chicago Not Caused by Anti-Race Action

Special Car Will Go to Sacramento, California

Basic Rights of Returnees Must be Protected, Says Law Chief of California

California Conditions Reported by Relocation Officer After Trip There

Four Evaders of Draft are Taken Into Custody

[Page 2]

Carter Reports on Ten-Day Trip to California (Cont.)


Shop Closes Saturday

'B' Cigs Ration Valid



Second Battalion, 442, is Now Engaged in Work in Franco-Italian Alps

[Page 3]

Following Job Offers Come From Many States

Antagonism is Not Root of Two Chicago Deaths (Cont.)

Buddhist Hostel Opens in Los Angeles, Calif.


Tom Tanamachi Weds Mitsuye Nimura Tonight at Block 43 Chapel

New WRA Officer for Mid-Atlantic Area


[Page 4]

Poston Chronicle Sports

Inventory of Project Vehicles Made Last Week

Rambler Nine Nips Delano, 8-6, in Practice Fray

Blackbird, Penguin Cagers Clash in First of 'A' Play-Off Frays

Scholarship Given Boy

New Employment Officer

Wanted to Give Away

Spring Swing to be Held March 29


[Page 5]

Poston II

Off the Beam

New Carpenter and Construction Heads

220 Royal Neighbors Club Names Heads

To and From...

For Sale

Takahashi-Takahashi Wedding Solemnized

'Naniwabushi' to be Held Next Month

Weather Report


[Page 6]

Poston III

Dust 'n' Desert

Unit III Nets $159.00 in Hospital Fund Drive

Contribute Your Waste Paper to the Scouts

Norman Kitahara Cops Scoring Honor; Makes 123 Points in Eight Games Played

Twelve Bachelors Wanted in Idaho

Camp Employment Offers for Girls

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section