Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XXII No. 23, 3/21/1945, (denshopd-i145-00621)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00621

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XXII No. 23
March 21, 1945

Nisei Engineers Company Lays Defense Against Enemy Attacks in France

Five Families Wanted Immediately by Cannery

Red Cross Solicitation Starts Today. Third Annual Meetings Will be Held Saturday

Boys Leave Saturday for Ft. Douglas, Utah

[Page 2]

Court Rules Suyenaga Has Been Unlawfully Confined in Yuma Jail

Eighteen-Year-Olds Reminded to Register for Selective Service

Picture Sale in Unit I. Returns Distributed

Southern Landowner Befriends Japanese American Servicemen


Farm Job for Couple Offered on 25-Acre Ranch

[Page 3]

Would You Like to Take One of the Following Offers from California

Solicitation for Red Cross Begins Today (Cont.)

Mess Halls 11 and 22 Closing Postponed Week



Minister Speaks; Pre-Easter Services will be Held March 25 to 28


New Schedule Announced on Translation Classes


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Bombers Drop 28-24 Tilt to 215 Zebras

Fukushima Sparks 64th to Camp Cage Title

YWCA Movie

Saints Win 'B' Title; Trip Blackhawks, 31-26

'Army Surgeon' Sponsored by Xi Beta Sigma

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Poston II


Weather Report

WRA Los Angeles Says Forty Acres Land for Lease Near Temecula

How'd You Like to Have a Mountain Ranch Fifty Miles from Los Angeles

Land for Lease in San Fernando Valley 18 Miles from Los Angeles

[Page 6]

Poston III

Employment Offers Given

Dust 'n' Desert

Kiyokichi Umezawa Relocates

Yoichi Muramoto Passes Away

Boys Basketball Standing

328 Captures Unit III Casaba League Title; Defeats 318, 27-20


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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section