Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XXII No. 21, 3/14/1945, (denshopd-i145-00619)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00619

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XXII No. 21
March 14, 1945

Agricultural Man from New England Here on Resettlement

Hospital Fund Drive On Six Days, March 15-20

100 Indicted for Failure to Report for Induction And Physical Examination

Tax Forms Must Be In by 3:30 PM Tomorrow

Myer Answers 17 Questions of Residents

[Page 2]

Hood River Post Will Put Japanese American Names Back on Roll

Classified Ads

Poston Resident Sues for Jail Release

Greene, Stalley, Here


Engagement Revealed


Clover Club Dance will be on 17th

'I' for Tobacco Ration

[Page 3]

Poston II


In Appreciation

Black Diamond Dribblers Ride Broncos 55-24 at 215 Court Thursday Night

Lois Bartlett is New Assistant Relocation Advisor for Unit II

D.S. Myer Speaks to High School Students

To and From...

[Page 4]

Poston III

Dust 'n' Desert

To a Brighter Future

Council Meeting Tidbits

Dillon S. Myer Speaks at School

Return Borrowed Books to Library

[Page 5]

See Relocation Office if You are Interested in Any of the Following

Residents' Questions are Answered by Myer (Cont.)

Hy-Lites Sponsor the 'Clover Club' Saturday

Ikebana Exhibit is Put On by Flower Arrangers at Elementary Hall

Power Off Ten Hours on Sunday in All 3 Units



Unit II Teacher Talks to Unit I Young People

Pamphlet Tells of Farm Opportunities in Ohio

[Page 6]

Leaflet Gives Information on Nebraska; Leaflet on Nebraska may be Seen at Relocation Library

Resettlers Get Social Security Aid

Navy Man's Son Sails as Merchant Marine

Middle West Job, Housing Facts Told

[Page 7]

Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section