Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XXI No. 29, 12/16/1944, (denshopd-i145-00597)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00597

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XXI No. 29
December 16, 1944

Conservation of Fuel Oil Necessary to Avoid Shortage

Block 38 Has Twelve Serving in U.S. Army

Cigarette Rationing to Begin Next Week

Twenty to Report for Induction Next Friday, December 22

$50 Theft from Shoe Repair Shop Reported

[Page 2]

Evacuee Property Program Information, No. 4

Resident Has Five Brothers in Service; One Missing, Two Hurt



Lost and Found

[Page 3]

New Books...

Twelve Reported in Service from Block 38 (Cont.)

More Movies Promised by Pre-College Club

Great Expectations

Luanans Choose Cabinet

Bussei Notes...

Visiting Servicemen

Agriculture Report

[Page 4]

Dust 'n Desert

Blk. Mgr. Supervisor Answers Call

Appreciation Message from Sandy Sunahara

Coming: A Senior Play 'This Tiger House' 3-Act Mystery. Sometime Next Month

Spend Next Saturday the Hi-Time Way

'Star Dust' Will be Featured by C.B.

Girls' Week-end Basketball Results

To a Brighter Future

[Page 5]


In Appreciation

Christian Church to Present Gala Program at Cottonwood Bowl on Xmas Nite: 'Santa Claus' to Make Appearance

C.A. Releases Entry Fees for Second Round

'Xmas at 400 Green St.' to be Presented by Christian Fellowship

Buddhist Church Service for Tomorrow

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section