Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XX No. 4, 8/10/1944, (denshopd-i145-00542)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00542

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XX No. 4
August 10, 1944

Evacuee Property Undamaged

Myer Letter Read at Meeting

Thousands See Boys Off

Workers Wanted

[Page 2]

Send-Off for Draftees Described by Reporter

Sumida New Administrator

Our Honor Roll


Party Held for Vacation School Teachers

[Page 3]

Poston II



Jeanette Doi New Secretary

Post Office Monthly Report

Roy Takahashi to Instruct [Illegible] Arts and Craft

Residents Express Appreciation

Yamada Succeeded by Nakamura


To and From

Weather Report

For Sale

[Page 4]

Huge Crowd Witness Third Annual Obon Festival

Firemen Lose to 308-5

308 Def. 322 in Jr. League

Swimfest Held Sunday

Grand Send-off Held for Boys


[Page 5]

Six Chicago Hospitals Will Take Evacuees

Sisters Conduct Summer School

Boys Sent Off by [Illegible] (Cont.)


[Page 6]

Japanese Language Section

[Page 7]

Japanese Language Section

[Page 8]

Japanese Language Section