Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XIX No. 15, 6/24/1944, (denshopd-i145-00523)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00523

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XIX No. 15
June 24, 1944

More Boys to be Inducted: 61 to Take Oath in Phoenix Wednesday

Twelve Held for Evading Induction

Landscapers to Help in Harvesting

Eye Man Here

No Service Yet for Boys

[Page 2]

Riding the Rail

Tire Head Treats Niseis

Ag News

Movie Date Changed

For Sale


Movies to be Shown Again

50 Leave for Cannery Work in Utah

No New Tailoring Class at 42

[Page 3]

Briefly by 'Emma'

Penguins Sponsor Social Tonight

To and From


Camp III to Sponsor Shibai

Council Discussed Labor Problem

Girls Softball Games to Start

Regular Movie Night Changed


[Page 4]

Dust and Desert


Softball Schedule

Final 'AA' Standings

Postonian Weds Graduate

[Page 5]

Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section