Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XIX No. 8, 6/8/1944, (denshopd-i145-000516)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-000516

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XIX No. 8
June 8, 1944

Solution to Labor Shortage Studied by Labor Commission. Termination of Several Departments Recommended at Last Meeting

Twelve Complete Red Cross Safety Courses

Poston Gets $280 for Scrap

500 Attended Trading Post Opening June 4

Next Induction June 24

Inductees Go

[Page 2]

Unit I Commencement Rites Set for This Friday

Employment Solution (Cont.)

Rev. Kubose to Go to L. A.




Economic Dept. Plans Exhibit

Boy Returns From Hospital

Blk. 2 Sewing School Closed



[Page 3]

Via: A Column

Presenting Commencement Program

'A' League Players in All-Star Selection

Cottonwood Bowl to be Scene of High School Commencement

[Page 4]

Outstanding Students Honored at Award Assembly

PTA Citizenship Award

Athletic Awards

National Honor Society Initiation

Council Honors S. Shirasawa

Orchestra Members Receives Gift

Baccalaureate Service Held

Unit III Takes Judo Tourney



Movie Tonite

'AA' Schedule

[Page 5]

Yamaguchi Shuts Out Tigers 4-0. Clowns Rally in 4th & 6th to Win. Ikenaga Hangs Up New Kayo Record With 24

Aihara Sets New League Record

Softball League Sked

B. Birds Engage B. Hawks Tonite. Kaseis, Breeze Tomorrow Night. Both 'AA' League Tilts Slated for Field 12

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section