Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XVIII No. 13, 4/11/1944, (denshopd-i145-00491)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00491

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XVIII No. 13
April 11, 1944

Population Decreases 578

Leave Clearance: Expatriates Dockets Held Up

Hearings Being Held at Tule

Segregated Units: War Department Clarifies Reason for Separate Nisei Unit

Deferment: Chances for Deferment Slim

Winning Essay

Crawford to Attend Confab

[Page 2]

Poston Two

Via: A column

Yamaoka-Iwami Nuptials Solemnized

Massage Moves to Clinic Building

Night Bathing is Discouraged at Pool

Albert Nakai, Cleared by Tule Board, Returns

'Spring Fiesta' Theme of High School Carnival

1944 Estimated Income and Victory Tax

[Page 3]

Poston Three

K.J. Takashima Resigns Co-Chairman Dr. T. Namiki Succeeds


Ever Since Eve is Great Hit

In Appreciation

Sewing Machines Distributed to Blocks

Takeo Toyama Named New Industry Head

Workers Wanted

Buccaneers Upset 318 -- 14 to 11 Score

Aki Kodama Tops Scoring Race. Teru Shimizu Comes in Second

[Page 4]

Former Postonians Star on Cal-Jays

Bulldog Aye, Bee Score Smashing Victories; Bears Capture Cee Class

Box Score

Oilers Rout Delano, 51-25

Blackhawks Annex Casaba Laurels

[Page 5]

Red Cross

Segregated Units (Cont.)

Easter Sunrise Service at Blk. 5 Park



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Co-op News

Delegates to Co-op Federation Meet at Amache

Co-op Audit: July to Dec 1944

Patronage Dividend Will be Paid

[Page 7]

Nisei Place in Reserve List for Administrative Reasons

Seven Parolees Join Families

Appointed Personnel Store Opens

Project Leaves Advanced One Hour

Registration for Drafting Classes


Music Department Making Plans for Second Annual Recital


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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section