Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XVI No. 14, 11/5/1943, (denshopd-i145-00431)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00431

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XVI No. 14
November 5, 1943

Shop Class to Train on Model 'T'

Population Now, 13,142

Dr. Kawaichi Joins Army, Interior Dept. Gets Dr. Kasuga

Labor Relations Board and Executive Board Combines

Poston Milk Situation

Employment Car Overturns

Money on Camouflage Arrives

[Page 2]

Editorial: Voice of an Issei. 'An Adult Education Program'

Crawford Lauds School Workers

Poston Doctors (Cont.)

[Page 3]

Burge Commends Unit III Blk. Mgrs.

Clerk Stenographer Jobs Open for Two

Wake Gets Civil Service Position

Notice of Assignment Needed for Pay

Organization of Unit II PTA Discussed

Interview Division Need of Workers

YBA Conference Picture Available

Adult Education to Hold Conversation Classes

Please Claim

[Page 4]

Coming Sports Events for Units I, II and III

Hironaka Shuts-Out Unit III Transportation 5-0

Firemen Hand Dukes Second Trimming

Nishida, Fujimoto Blast Out Homers to Smash Delano Dukes 6-5

[Page 5]

Barrett Approves Takushige as Dispatcher

4700 Chickens Received by Unit 3 Poultry Dept.

Nine Decisions Reached on Leave Clearance

Last Rites to be Held

Visiting Servicemen

Subsistence Rules to be Stricter

Services of California Attorneys Available

Interested in Volleyball?

Relocation to Honolulu Possible

[Page 6]

What's in a Name? Confusion

Plans Being Made for YBA Nite

New PTA Officers Installed

Autumn Get-Together

24 More Leave for Tule Lake

YBA Picnic at Unit II

Movie at Blk. 59

Tom Masuda on Leave

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section