Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XV No. 12, 8/26/1943, (denshopd-i145-00398)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00398

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XV No. 12
August 26, 1943

Poston Teachers Learn Methods of Teaching

Project Attorney on Trip

Segregants Will Be from Blocks as Single Group

Segregants Must Return WRA Property

First Poston Teacher to Be Inducted

[Page 2]

Applying for Repatriation Postponed Due to Segregation

Workers Needed

Segregation (Cont.)

Wedding Date Set

In Appreciation

Classified Ads

Weather Report


Buddhist Church News


[Page 3]

322-23 Wins to Seize Trophy. Akira Takeshita Hurls No-Hit, No-Run Game for 322

Salinas Valley Defeats Delano Dukes 11-9

Change in 'AA' Schedule

Poston III 'B' League Schedule


Schedule Changed

Second Round to Start in Unit III

[Page 4]

First Nisei Chaplain Commissioned at Shelby

Ex Santa Fe Men May Relocate

[Page 5]

Japanese Language Section

[Page 6]

Japanese Language Section