Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XIV No. 9, 7/18/1943, (denshopd-i145-00365)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00365

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XIV No. 9
July 18, 1943

Center Nisei Graduates M.I.S.

Job Offers Total 454 for June

Two Fire Trucks Added to Dept.

Poston Leads Centers in Departures

Minidoka Cuts Workers to 2874

Men on Tour

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Poston 2

Masao Satow Gives Address on Topic of Resettlement

Camp Savage Info Given

Kitchens in Reclassification

Volunteers Leave 25th

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Orange County Seizes 'AA' Lead. O.C. Clinches Game in Late Innings to Take Dukes 8-2

Shamrocks Edge Out Penguins 5-4. 221 Breaks 14 Game Penguins Win Streak

Unit I 'AA' Big Six Batting Averages

305 Nose Out 309, 13-12

329 Tops Trojans, 18-7

330 Sinks Little Giants, 12-1

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Poston 3

Two Army Volunteers Called

Noted Violinist to Appear at Y.P. Service




Strict Working Hours Enforced

Award Committee Named

Visiting California

Okamoto Hurls No Hitter to Win 7-1

Jr. Yaboes Rout 306, 15-3

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section