Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XIII No. 23, 6/30/1943, (denshopd-i145-00349)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00349

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XIII No. 23
June 30, 1943

New Hostel Service Open

Four Leave Violators Returned to Poston from Denver

Evacuee Employment to Be Drastically Reduced

Last Minute Gift Causes Inconvenience

Wire Reveals Internees in Sante [Santa] Fe Safe

[Page 2]

Poston I Elementary School Auditorium Dedicated Yesterday by Project Director

Sixth Grade Class Present Program

Canteen Notice

For Sale


Stolen Rails Cause Hazard for Passerby


Donations of Books for Invalids Mounting


[Page 3]

Poston 3

Myer Orders Cut of Project Employees

Library Notes

Block Managers Recomend [Recommend] Okazaki for Supervisor


Visitors from Camp Savage


Indefinite Surpass Seasonal Leaves

Ozaki-Yonezawa Nuptial

Donation Acknowledged

Class Picture Available

[Page 4]

322-23 Edges 330, 2-1

325 Rookies Squelch 306, 20-9

Poston III Srs. Eke Out Jrs. 6-5

330 Wallops Valley 8-1

Apaches Top Buccaneers 11-10

Jr. Yaboes Nip Blk. 3 Gremlins 11-10

325 Oyajis Sink Transportation 12-8

[Page 5]

Japanese Language Section