Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XIII No. 21, 6/27/1943, (denshopd-i145-00347)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00347

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XIII No. 21
June 27, 1943

Denver Post Articles Denied by W.R.A. Officials in D.C. John Baker, Reports Chief, States Report Misinterpreted

Dillon Myer Attacks Dies Committee

Relocation Center Treatment Revealed by Frisco Paper

Five Blocks to Vacate Apts. For Invalids

High School Seniors of Unit I to Receive Diplomas Tuesday

OWI Releases Mail Service Information for Armed Forces

Baccalaureate Rites Held by Unit 2 Student

New Supplement Expedite Indefinite Leave Clearance. Project Issue Leave Clearance to Applicants with Offer

Various Factories Flourishing Under Industry Dept.

Resettlement Opportunities Good in Midwest

Poston 2 High Ag. Classes Acclaimed

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An Open Letter

Rebuilding a Life

Inheritance of Tuberculosis Denied According to Modern Medical Science

1880 Leave Amache

Small Talk

Dies Subcommittee Hearing...


[Page 3]

Invading Vista Panthers Edge Mutineers 2-1. Geo. Sugita Bests Akira Takeshita in Mound Duel

Delano Dukes Rout Riverside Tigers 15-5

Lancer Dump Mutineers 8-4

Cement Tennis Courts Proposed

Unit III's Block League Schedule

Sports Hit & Miss

Red Cross Pools Attract Swimmers

Sacramento Solons Blank Rattlers 9-0

Orange County Rally to Sink Ramblers 7-4

Did You Know...

Fewer Softball Diamonds Available

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Backward Glance

Seven Pig Litter Saved by Women

First Air Mail Service


Corn-icle Jottings...

Former Editor Gives Advice to Resettlers

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section