Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XIII No. 6, 6/6/1943, (denshopd-i145-00331)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00331

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XIII No. 6
June 6, 1943

N.Y.A. Training Agreement for Relocation Center's Youths Withdrawn Recently. Efforts Being Made for Substitute Offers, Myer

Research Bureau Survey of English-Speaking Residents Reveals 63 Percent to Leave Center. 66 Percent to Leave Within Six Months

Clinic Treats 4867 Patients

Popkins Reveals Center Figures for Operation. School Construction to Be Completed by Fall Semester

Design Dresses for Leisure

Lamar Merchants Complain Lack of Evacuee Business

Evacuee Property Service Require W.R.A. Forms

Provisions Made for Expectant Mothers and Children

Seed Germination Rates Released

Letters to Editor

[Page 2]

Irritating Effect of Punishment Lesson to Nisei

Just Incidentally

Backward Glance


[Page 3]

Poston III High Ekes Out Poston II 5-4. W. Okamoto's Hit Wins Close Game

Sports Hit & Miss

[Photo caption]: All-Poston 'A' Champs

Final Sr. Midget League Standing

Ten Leading Sr. Scorers

Final Jr. Midget League Standing

Ten Leading Jr. Scorers

Lancers Wallops Trojans 16-4. Art Kitahara Smacks 2 4 Ply Clout


[Page 4]

Hero for a Day


Center Named After Poston

Small Talk

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section