Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XII No. 19, 5/14/1943, (denshopd-i145-00312)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00312

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XII No. 19
May 14, 1943

Unit I, II Net Factory Closes

Red Cross to Distribute First Aid Kits

Jobs with Army Installations Open to Nisei

Evacuees Working on Hourly Basis

Dr Cary Releases Graduation Dates

Ration Board States Side Trips Banned

[Page 2]

Mitamura-Kodama Troth Revealed

New Books at Library

At Rec 30 Red Cross Rally

Singspiration Friday Night

Painters Needed

Brief Beats

Boys' Club News

What's Buzzin' Friday


Intention to Wed

Blk. 59 Defeats Valley, 6-4

[Page 3]

Poston 3

Block News

Unit I Shibai Wins Ovation

Classified Ads

New School Hours to Go into Effect

Kitchen and Latrine Rating for May 2-8

Third Piano Recital to Be Presented

Board to Draft: Workers Planned

[Page 4]

Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section