Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XII No. 11, 5/4/1943, (denshopd-i145-00303)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00303

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XII No. 11
May 4, 1943

Extra. Volunteers to Leave. First Contingent of 45 to Depart on Monday for Induction at Salt Lake City

[Page 2]

Ag. Tractor Drivers 'Walk-Out' Causes Stand-Still

New Notarial [Notary] Fees Announced

Hostel Opens in Cincinnati

Anniversary Meeting of Chefs Slated

[Page 3]

Mothers to Be Honored May 6

Red Cross Bazaar Successful

12,200 Fishes Lost by Fish Division

Library Notes



Whats [What's] Buzzin Tuesday


Brief Beats

Milk Quota Increased

[Page 4]

Poston 2

Sakamoto-Ogawa Wedding

Job Openings

Temperature Report

Chicks See Party

Fellowship Election

To... And... From...

TCC Discuss Reconstruction

Songfest to Feature 211

[Page 5]

Poston 3

The Poston Lampoon

Physiotherapy Clinic in Poston Three

Tashiro-Okamura United in Wedlock

Block R Installation

Classified Ads

Cost of Living in Chicago Area Revealed

[Page 6]

Japanese Language Section

[Page 7]

Japanese Language Section

[Page 8]

Japanese Language Section