Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XI No. 16, 4/2/1943, (denshopd-i145-00277)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00277

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XI No. 16
April 2, 1943

Orchestra Needs More Musicians

TCC Committee Meets Today

Project Falls Under New Rationing Rules

Snelson Commends Hospital

[Page 2]

Laundry Soap Frozen

Library Notes


What's Buzzin' Friday

Church Schedule

Brief Beats


Want Ads

Do You Want a Job at the Camouflage?

[Page 3]

Poston 2

Indian Folklore: Miss Ataloa to Present Program Here Saturday

Buddhists Plan Elaborate 'Hana Matsuri' Festival

Practical Jokers Have Field Day


Service Bureau Mgr. Wanted

Soldiers Honored at a Gay Social by [illegible]

Classified Ads

[Page 4]

Poston 3

Volunteers Take Physical Examination

Gifts Prohibited

Spanish Club Organized

Thank You...

Council Appoints Clothing Allowance Committee

Movie Tonight

No Bottles, Sodas!

Departee Honored at Block Party


Ratio on Birth & Death



[Page 5]

Firebugs Top Green Bay's 26-20

20 Squares Edge Cal A's 41-39

Managers All-Opponent All-Star Selection

Pacers Clip Clippers 30-27

Aztecs Tops Midgets 44-19

Trojans Nose Out Yaboes, 22-19

[Page 6]

Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section