Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XI No. 13, 3/26/1943, (denshopd-i145-00273)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00273

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XI No. 13
March 26, 1943

Employment Division Releases New Hours

Charter Acceptance Date Set

Manpower Result Released

Leave Clearance Procedure Decentralized

School to Purchase Typewriters

[Page 2]

Unit I Schools Employ 182

Unit I Administration Consolidated

What's Buzzin' for Sunday

What's Buzzin' for Monday

Miss Viahos to Speak Wednesday


Movie for the Week

Brief Beats...

[Page 3]

Poston 2

'Ag' Girls Aid Manpower Shortage

Swim Classes to Begin Soon

Local Leave Office Handling Ration Books


'Army Night' Planned for Singspiration

Evacuees Must Notify Employment Office Prior to Leaving the Center

Cash Donated to Goh & Shogi Club

Collier Visiting HereCollier Visiting HereCollier Visiting HereCollier Visiting Here

John Maeno on a Three Week Furlough

Kitchen 226 Merits High Rating

Goal Set for 1,000 Bricks Everyday

Novel Hut Notes...

[Page 4]

Poston 3

Marriage Vows Exchanged

Kawamoto - Urata Nuptial

Forms for Police Dept. Claims Arrive

Library Notes

Blouses Arrive at Industry

Visiting Zeros Trim Cal 'A's'

Pioneer Nite to Be Held

List of Fittings Requested


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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section