Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. XI No. 11, 3/26/1943, (denshopd-i145-00271)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00271

Poston Chronicle
Vol. XI No. 11
March 26, 1943

Opening for Lab Technician Listed Here

Presbyterian Church Representative to Arrive on Monday

Manpower Commission to Classify Workers

Emergency! Call Made for Mr., Mrs. Yamasaki

Residents Urged to Turn in Old Ration Books

[Page 2]

Mess Halls 12 and 53 Awarded 'E' Flag

Workers Needed for Slaughter House

Art Dept. Moves

For Sale

What's Buzzin' for Friday

Poston I Hears Civic Concert


Brief Beats...

[Page 3]

Poston 2

Block 229 Inundated as Levee Breaks Causing Inconveniences; No Damages

Last Rites for Pioneer, Yasujiro Ohama Set for Friday Afternoon, 2:30

Swimming is Popular as Mercury Soars

Inspection Troupe Returns

Soldiers on Furlough

Novel Hut Announcement

Nishioki Says 'Thanks'

Visitors from Gila

Illinois Bound

[Page 4]

Poston 3

Eleven Leave for Nevada

Employment Offers on File in Office

'[illegible] the Birdie'

Sunday Services

Camouflage Production Increasing Daily

Readers Digest Orders Taken

Shoe Shop News

Movie Tonight

Ball Meeting Scheduled

Cottage Prayer Meeting Locales

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section