Title: Poston Chronicle, 2/12/1943, (denshopd-i145-00240)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00240

Poston Chronicle
February 12, 1943

Compensation Benefits for Evacuees Injured on Duty

Unit 2 Checks Cashed by Community Enterprise

Sugar Beet Company Supervisor Visits Poston

Snelson Thanks Kitchen for Cooperation

[Page 2]

Mechanics Move to New Quarters

YBA Donates to Community Service

First Aid Course to Commence

Fukushima of Adult Education to Attend School


What's Buzzin' for Today

Blessed Event

Susnowskis' Musical Program to Be Held Sunday Nite

Library Notes

Brief Beats...

[Page 3]

Poston 3

Road Workers Hired by W.R.A.

Dancing Class Established

Claim Checks at Timekeeping Department

Library Notes

Sportsman Dance Features Unit III Orchestra

Valentine Dance

World Traveler to Lead Program

San Diego Wallops Varsity


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Poston 2

Kirby Page to Speak at Sunday Services in Unit II

Kitchen 219 Awarded First 'E' Bannar [Banner]

Old Newspapers Wanted

Councilmen, Advisors Elected

Unit Two Employment

Zero Juniors Wax 207ers

Golf Club to Be Organized

Vigilantes Ride Zebras


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Japanese Language Section