Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. X No. 5, 2/9/1943, (denshopd-i145-00237)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00237

Poston Chronicle
Vol. X No. 5
February 9, 1943

The White House

[Page 2]

Draft Registration Starts in Unit III. Army Team Leader Speaks at Mass Meeting Today

Shoe Sales Halted

Military Training Credits to Be Given to Students

Net Factory Contract Negotiations Postponed

[Page 3]

School Construction Progressing

Rubbish Fires Must Be Reported Prior to Starting

Job Opportunities

What's Buzzin' for Today

Blessed Event

Musical Program Slated for Sunday Night

Adult Education

Brief Beats...

[Page 4]

Poston 2

Unit II Council Election Today

Fumiye Sakoda Becomes Bride of Seizo Kodani in Beautiful Church Wedding

National Scout Week Observed

Valentine Social at Singspiration

Calendars on Sale

[Page 5]

Poston 3

Flag Pole to Be Erected

Disease Traced to Animals

S.S. Teachers Enjoy Party

Inspection Ratings Reported

Sportsman Hop Scheduled

Women Lauded for Adobe Work


Farewell Party

[Page 6]

Golden Bears Edge San Diego Cagers 36-34

Postonettes Cinches Title

High School Varsity Dumps Mutineers

20 Squares Vanquish Mustangs 23-16

Sigma Xi Wins 4th Straight

Packers Win Overtime Contest 28-26

B.I.'s Routs H.S. B's