Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. VIII No. 10, 12/24/1942, (denshopd-i145-00202)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00202

Poston Chronicle
Vol. VIII No. 10
December 24, 1942

7,000 Poston Children in Yuletide Remembrance by Christian Churches, JACL; Gifts to Be Distributed at Block Parties Tonite, Tomorrow

Central Executive Bd. Status Clarified in James' Statement

C.E. Unit I Canteen Pilferers to Be Punished

'Personal Checks Will Not Be Cashed' Says Enterprise

Baggages in Parker

[Page 2]

Churches, JACL Donates Gifts (Cont.)

Classified Ads

Unit II Block Managers, Secretaries, FW Dept. Credited; Poston I, III Gain from Experiences

Residents to Inspect 'Camouflage' Work at Rivers Project

[Page 3]

Classes in Drama Dept. Announced

Blessed Events

Disease Preventative Measures Told to Local Blk. Mgrs.



[Page 4]

Poston 2

Mass Choir Festival of Sacred Music Hailed as Two Hundred Voice Choristers Acclaim in Songs the Ageless Christmas Story

Watch Repair Shop Opens

Welfare Department to Ask J.A.C.L. Aid

October Pay by Checks Started: Clothing Allowance Starts Today

Sub Debs Entertain at Mix Social

[Page 5]

Poston 3

Christmas Bazaar Committee Meets

Today is Vaccination Day for Roku II

Mass Planned for Christmas Morning



First Girls Casaba Tilt to Be Played

Girls Volleyball Spread to Be Held

Casaba Practice Under Way in Poston III High

See You at the Christmas Program Tonight


Tom Niwa Elected Head of New Club

[Page 6]

Valley-Golden Bears, Berdoo-PCAA Battle for 'Open' C.B.B. Championship Saturday and Sunday

Football Results

Green Devils Rip Penguins 52-51

213 Juniors Defeat 216, 24-11

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section