Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. VII No. 7, 11/17/1942, (denshopd-i145-00161)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00161

Poston Chronicle
Vol. VII No. 7
November 17, 1942

Project Director Officially Opens New Unit One Store

Workers as 'Reefers' Needed Urgently

National WRA Director D.S. Myer to Visit Unit Two

Nisei Sergeants to Interview Prospects for Camp Savage

Bi-Monthly Issued

Correction of Minutes of the Unit I Coop [Co-op] Congress of Oct. 31

[Page 2]

Library - National Book Week

Truck Crop Div. Reports of Cabbages and Lettuce

Another Building Under Way

Blessed Events

What's Buzzin' for Today

Many Industry Work Done by Divs.

W. Head Sec't'y Leaves for S.F.

[Page 3]

Poston 2

De Marche Here to Work on Leadership Training

Lumber Stolen from Ag Warehouse

California-Stanford 'Big Game' Rivalry Feature of Tonight's Singspiration

Four Girls Named for Gila Trip

Block 211 Young People Organize Club; Elect Officers


Want Ads

[Page 4]

Poston 3

Parents Organize Club

'Bussei Nite' to Feature Truth or Consequences

Classroom Memo's

Cotton Proceeds Distributed

Pharmacy Requests for More Bottles

Press Hike

Poston III Population Increased


Drafting Classes

[Page 5]

Orange Co. Knock Over Shamrocks 3-1; Takes Poston's Softball Championship. Hitoshi Nitta Bests Shamrocks George Nishikawa

Girls Sports

Jinks Spank Pals 13-4

Attention! Grid Mgrs!

Firemen Blasts Oceanside Marlins 8-1 in Finals

Volleyball Standings

[Page 6]

Japanese Language Section