Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. VI No. 16, 10/23/1942, (denshopd-i145-00141)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00141

Poston Chronicle
Vol. VI No. 16
October 23, 1942

Workers Urged to Attend Fair Practice Meeting

High School Graduate Notice

Cotton Picking O.K'd

Subscribe Now

New Emergency Crew Formed

Library Rushed

[Page 2]

Instructor of Water Safety Pleased

Nursery Div. Plans Grass Growing Program with Blk. Distribution

Editorial. Voice of an Issei. On the Fair

A Mistake

Postonians Mourn Passing of State Assemblyman Andreas

[Page 3]

In Appreciation


Additional Sports

[Page 4]

Moyashi Ready, Indy. Reports

Thanks to You!

Mass Worship Services to Be on Stage 4 This Sunday


Stork Visits

What's Buzzin' for Today

Message of Gratitude

Book is Reported Missing

Dates Revised

Brief Beats...

[Page 5]

Works Project Committee Meets with Food and Labor Groups in an Industrial Session

Gay Harvest Dance Planned for Postonians of Unit Two Friday


2-Cell Flashlights Permitted in Poston WRA Project

Sewing Department Will Alter G.I. Mackinaws for Men

Shoe Repair Shop Oozing with 'Zapatos' in Need of Repairs

Block 213 Organizes Mothers' Club

A Horseshoe Challenge!!

[Page 6]

Poston 3

Senior Class Election

Y.B.A. Cabinet Elected

Reminder for Girls Club

Stork Visits

Exhibit Posponed [Postponed] to Next Week

Maintenance Dept Opens Emergency Office at 306

More Boxing Equipment Arrives

Family Leaving

Teachers Obtained for Evening Classes

Knitting Classes Opens

Four Raccoons Trapped

[Page 7]

Poston II


School in Poston

Senior Class Plans Party


Students' Views

Contest Rules

Meet Your Teachers

New Poston Teachers Welcomed to Poston 2 School

[Page 8]

Time Out

Vigilantes Hold Up Caissons for 9-0 Win

Poston II Volleyball Results

Football Season On; First Game Sunday

Penguins Smear Green Devils

Sumo Practice

Poston Gets Dark Too Quickly Now

328 Old Timers Trounce 309, 16-5