Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. V No. 15, 10/22/1942, (denshopd-i145-00140)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00140

Poston Chronicle
Vol. V No. 15
October 22, 1942

Poston Symphony Orchestra Anticipated. Music Director Michael Sosnowski Has Qualifying Background


Dental Project Established in Poston Three

Instructors Receive Training Under Dr. Nakadate

[Page 2]

Joe Petta Named New Head Steward as Luther Stuhlts Leaves

English Classes for Issei, Kibei and Nisei Planned

Christmas is Coming

Bean Contest Winners Announced by Industry

Absentee Ballots

Symphony Orchestra (Cont.)

Beans Plus H20 = Sprouts

Anne Miller, Baby Judy Join Chief Miller

[Page 3]


Editorial: Work, for Our Own Good

[Page 4]

Automobile Donated to Hospital

Payroll Finally 'Rolls' Here

'I Bid Four...'

Childhood Romance Culminates in Marriage for Postonians

Funeral for Otojiro Jo


Birth Notice

What's Buzzin' for Today

Poisonous Reptile Caught

Editor's Dilemma, Loses Shirt!

'Come and Get It'

[Page 5]

Poston 2

Unit Two Musicians to Meet at 222 Music Hall for Transportation to Unit I

Light Voting and Interest Shown in Election of Coop. Congress

Shibai to Entertain Poston 2

Bids on Sale for Harvest Dance

Christian Church to Hold Dedication Services Sunday

Nat'l. Y.B.A. Gavel Presented to New Poston Bussei President

Heating Stoves Will be Installed

Weekly Singspiration Enjoyed

Attention: Buddhist S.S. Teachers

[Page 6]

Poston 3

School Lunch Room Opens

Devotional Service Slated

Former Poston Nisei Arrives in Philadelphia

What? An Earthquake

Please Return

[Page 7]

Hopefuls Blow Lead. Trojans Gain Tie 8-8

Terrors Bag Zeros

220 Take 'A' Championship; Taniguchi Pitches No-Hitter

Unit 1, Flatfoots Win Over Poston 2 Policemen, 5 to 1

Sumo on Saturday

Clippers Win from 215 Zebras

Redsox Defeat Boyle Heights Indians, 6-4

306 Keeps Rolling Defeats Nine Pins

Final Class 'B' Batting Average. (Includes Northern and Southern League)

[Page 8]

Flooded Area

More on Maizie (Cont.)

Poston III Sport Hi-Lights

Dental Project (Cont.)

Clothing Needs Considered for Employees

First Aid Courses at Unit I Chapter

Apprentices Sought for Shoe Repair Work

Thanks a Lot!