Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. V No. 13, 10/20/1942, (denshopd-i145-00138)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00138

Poston Chronicle
Vol. V No. 13
October 20, 1942

Action Advised for Agriculture by Mathiesen

Instructors Course

Poston Fair Draws to an End

Daily Attendance

Food Sold


[Page 2]

Poston 3

Was It a Dream - Oh, No!

Poston III People Visit County Fair

Police Dept. News

Fashion Show

Coolers for Sale

Interesting Sights at the Fair

Delano Defeats Poston III All-Stars in Hardball Tilt

[Page 3]


Editorial: Gov't Approves Sports

[Page 4]

Poston 2

George Ono Appointed Fair Practice Chairman: Commission to Make 3 Requests for Cotton Work. All Complaints Must Be in Writing. No Meeting Today, Due to Block Managers' Conference

Boy Scout Council

Cathedral Choir to Hold Special Rehearsal



YBA Seiten Services Tonight

500 Cotton Mattresses Arrive

Oh Where, Oh Where Has my Li'l Dog Gone????