Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. V No. 7, 10/14/1942, (denshopd-i145-00133)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00133

Poston Chronicle
Vol. V No. 7
October 14, 1942

Chance for Year-Round Employment in Arizona Vegetable Industry; 75 Cents per Hour Wages

Soldiers of Japanese Ancestry May Visit Poston

New WRA Policy Offers Residents Greater Possibilities for Economic Self-Support

Voters Urged to Apply for Absentee Ballots

[Page 2]

Editorial: Clarification Should Be in Order Concerning 'Contraband'

Equitable Food Distribution. Food for Victory

[Page 3]

Coronation Ball Bids on Sale

Radio Tubes, Aerial Tires, Reading Lamps, Confiscated by Army P.O. Inspectors

Industrial Enterprise (Cont.)

Civic Leaders Meet in Unit 2 Moot Labor, Employment Program

Arizona Vegetable Work (Cont.)

[Page 4]

Issei Advisors on 10 Committees

Starlight Symphony This Thurs.

Chapels Get More Chairs

What's Buzzin' for Today

'Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son Stole a Pig...and Away He Run...'

Blk. 6 Ironing Room Used for Rubber Experimenting Laboratory

[Page 5]

'Outside' Workers for Harvest Report Favorable Condition

Red Cross Classes Announced

Blue Coats for Adobe Workers

Music Students Please Report

[Page 6]

Poston 3

130 Mothers Volunteer at P.T.A. Meeting

Christian Church News

Fire Dep't. States Strict Regulations

Back-to-School Singspiration, Friday

Girl Leaders Needed

22 New Best Sellers on Shelves at Main Library

Blk. 328 Girls Hold Election


[Page 7]

'Top Ten' Double A Batting Averages. Poston I

'Top Ten' Double A Batting Averages. Poston II

I 'AA' League Standing

'AA' League Standings

Unit I Grandpa League Schedule for Oct. 18

Cheyennes Blanked

Vista Girls Take Orange County, 11-5

213 Terrors Nosed-Out by 222 Clippers

Game Results - Poston I

[Page 8]

Poston 2

Coronation Ball Tickets on Sale Today at Canteen and Rec. Hall 220

A Story of a Newspaper Reporter to Be Main Attraction at Movies

Employment Office Rings Last Call for Beet Workers

Cold? Two Hundred Blankets Only Straw Fillings Arrived Tuesday

Evacuees Permitted to Eat in Personnel Kitchen as 'P.G.s'

Coolers on Display

Nisei Faculty Member Resigns to Leave for College in Pennsylvania

No Inter-Unit Change of Residence

[Page 9]

Judges to Select Queen of Poston's First County Fair in Secret Huddle Tomorrow night as Sixteen Finalists Participate in Beauty Parade...

Poston III's Campaign Managers 'Playing Dead'; Heavy Votes Seem to Be Held Back to Be Delivered at Deadline...

Where Does Asano Nakamura Get All Her Heavy Support and What Are Other Campaign Managers Doing in Poston II...

Bettie Fujii Climbs to Eighth Place in Poston I's Contest as Others Remain in Same Positions with Little Change in Votes...

[Page 10]

[Advertisement]: Calox Tooth Powder