Title: Poston Chronicle, Vol. IV No. 10, 9/6/1942, (denshopd-i145-00101)
Densho ID: denshopd-i145-00101

Poston Chronicle
Vol. IV No. 10
September 6, 1942

The World at War. Japan's Forgotten Victim

Disband Sports, Claim. New Recreation Setup Sought as Thirty Five Department Leaders Rejects Powell's Proposals

Discussions on Co-ops, Recreation Dept. Held by Unit 2 Blk. Mgrs.


[Page 2]

Traffic Ordinances for the City of Poston

Recreation Meeting (Cont.)

Registration of New Voters

Powell Report Sept. 5 Meet

World at War (Cont.)

350 Mothers Attend Meeting, Poston III

Teachers Needed for School, Poston III

[Page 3]

Flowers Grown for Postonians; Celery Planting in Bath House

McDonald Explains Shortage

H.H. Townsend Replaces R. Potter in New Job

Fair Announcement

More Books at Poston Library I, Pay Section is 15 Cents per Week

Sewing Depts. Attend Weiner Bake Social at 'Sleepy Lagoon'

[Page 4]

Poston 2

Third Nursery School to Open Monday at 216-12-D

Poston One Drama Department to Entertain Unit Two Residents

Marble Contest to Start Wednesday

Adult English Class to Begin Tuesday at 209 Rec. Hall

Teachers and Seamstresses Enjoy Picnic Thursday


Cub Reporter Catches Post Office Robber in Broad Daylight

Baby Almost Plays with a Baby Rattler

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Poston 3

Keeping Posted

Chef, Steward Positions Clarified

We Appreciate

Poston III Preview

Camouflage Net Factory Proposed for Poston III

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Wolves and Wolfusses

City on the Sand

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Madame Vogue Decrees That...


Lil' Meechan

Vanity Fair

Care of the Hair

[Page 8]

Riverside Trounced in League Opener

Valley Nips Delano in Opener, 2 to 1

229 Panthers Again Claw Opponents to Win 2 to 1

Batting Averages for Poston III Softballers

Poston III Softball Results

Hospital Mess Boys Ready to 'Mess' Doc. Crew Today

306-325 Girls Softball Game

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Poston 1 Comic Section

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Poston 1 Comic Section

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Poston 2 Comic Section

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Poston 2 Comic Section

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Poston 3 Comic Section

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Sunday Comic Section