Title: Rohwer Outpost, Vol. III No. 15, 8/21/1943, (denshopd-i143-00091)
Densho ID: denshopd-i143-00091

Rohwer Outpost
Vol. III No. 15
August 21, 1943

Johnston Corrects Segregation Errors


'Private Enterprise Must Stop' Says Project Head

'WRA Centers Will Not be Closed,' Assures Dillon Myer

Mississippi Camping Trip Eventful for Local Scouts

[Page 2]

[Cartoon]: Lil Dan'l

Outside Employment

Now Showing

Relocation Calendar

Boy Scouts Get Feasts and Sodas (Cont.)



Vital Statistics

[Page 3]

Editorial Comments: McGehee Times, Outpost Score 'Rowdies'

43 to Board Exchange Ship

Rohwer Red Cross Receives More Messages from Orient

Co-op Changes Matinee Hours

Farming Program a Success

[Page 4]

Country Fair: Booths, Exhibit to Attract

Student Aid Plans Advance

Education Films

R.Y.M.A. to Show Shibai Again

R.F.C.C. Sermon to be Made by Rev. Sakaue

Club Notes

Sunday Church Services

[Page 5]

Bench Warmer

Poopouts Travel

'A' Baseball League All-Star Nine Chosen. Lodi Babes Dominate Team

Rebels Meet Royal Dukes Tomorrow

[Page 6]

George Miyake Stars as Royal Dukes Win

Nobi Tanimoto Wins 'A' Batting Crown

Block 9 Trims Panthers in League Finale

Who's Playing

'A' League All-Stars Picked (Cont.)

Yosh Aikawa Cops 'B' Swatting Title

Bench Warmer (Cont.)

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section