Title: Rohwer Outpost, Vol. V No. 45, 11/28/1944, (denshopd-i143-00223)
Densho ID: denshopd-i143-00223

Rohwer Outpost
Vol. V No. 45
November 28, 1944

List 262 from Various Ctrs. as Casualties

'Y' Room Available for Public Usage

Sale of Christmas Seal Starts Soon



Warning About Cement Flues

To Give Course in Dressmaking

[Page 2]

Now Showing

File Social Sec'ty Claim

Vital Statistics

Evacuee Property

In Appreciation


Relocation Calendar

[Page 3]

Library News

Confab Report Given by Girls

Crusaders to Give Couples Social Fri.

Red Cross Mail

RFCC Notes


WRA Releases Statistics for Resettled Evac.

YBA Installs New Dir'ters

Property (Cont.)

[Page 4]

Clowns Polka Dots Tie Game into 6-6 Knot

Army Take Joker Y for 6-2 Defeat Sun.

Relocation Statistics Given (Cont.)

[Cartoon]: Greezee: Roy Kawamoto

[Page 5]

Japanese Language Section

[Page 6]

Japanese Language Section

[Page 7]

Japanese Language Section

[Page 8]

Japanese Language Section