Title: Rohwer Outpost, Vol. V No. 26, 9/23/1944, (denshopd-i143-00204)
Densho ID: denshopd-i143-00204

Rohwer Outpost
Vol. V No. 26
September 23, 1944

Miss Irene Abe Volunteers Her Aid to Hospital

Application Procedures for Return to Hawaii, West Coast

Vocation Training: Adult Classes Start in Oct.

Legal Matters Deemed Vital

Xmas Plans: Committees to Prepare for 44 Celebration

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Once Overs by Bean Takeda

Now Showing

Relocation Calendar

Price to Reture [Return]

Vital Statistics


Movie Prevues

Boy Born to Rohwer Relocatees in Ohio

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Oseto Now I.S. Evacuee Capt.

YBA to Observe Equinox in Aud.

RFCC Notes

Sunday Church Services

Rohwer Honor Roll

Experiences on War Front Told

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Bom'drs Clash With All-Stars

Probable Starting Line-up

Volturno Veterans Stop at Dayton O. (Cont.)

Who's Playing

.550 by Ike Tops League

Managers to Meet Sunday

Bom'drs Take League Crown

Ad. Team Drops from League


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