Title: Rohwer Outpost, Vol. V No. 22, 9/9/1944, (denshopd-i143-00200)
Densho ID: denshopd-i143-00200

Rohwer Outpost
Vol. V No. 22
September 9, 1944

Revise Regulation. Shipment of Eva. Property

Employment in Chicago

Visitors Will Inspect Farm

C.B. Price to Visit Rel'tion Division

Students Return to School

[Page 2]

Rohwer Outpost Staff

Relocation Calendar

Movie Prevues

Now Showing


Vital Statistics


Once Overs

[Page 3]

Social Notes

CA Loses G. Suzuki and Kaz Ikebasu Thurs.

Sunday Church Services

Rohwer Honor Roll


Buddhist Notes

Adult Education Plans Organized


Once Overs (Cont.)

[Page 4]

S'ners, 7-ups to Deride Champs

Ad. Per'l Cops Championship

Once Overs (Cont.)

Shelby Game On. All-Stars Play Soldiers



Scouts Enjoy Camping Trip

[Page 5]

Japanese Language Section

[Page 6]

Japanese Language Section

[Page 7]

Japanese Language Section

[Page 8]

Japanese Language Section